“Up to the Sky” is a 30 metres high wood & metal mixmedia sculpture selected as finalist among 172 participated artist to the sculpture competition for Istanbul Airport.
“To have just flown, or to be just about to fly. Being among a moving wall of people at an airport is such an amazing feeling. The whole idea of flying, of ascending into the clouds. What a privilege it is for humanity to converge in a single terminal! Who could have imagined that we’d have reached this point millen- nia ago? Today, few can fathom that flying was but a dream even a century ago, a twinkle in the eye of whoever watched the heavens above. We humans have always equated reaching the sky with freedom. Now, for us to be able to whisk through it like a bird – across vast distances no doubt – is truly something else.
My sculpture wants to look beyond the functionality of airports, both symbolically and sensually. It is a single mass of rhythm and movement that creates its own kinetic force running from top to bottom. The ginormous void around it aims to strike a balance: being both vibrant and palpable, allowing you to sense its existence while remaining straightforward and unintrusive. On the other hand, engineering and metal bonding systems strengthen and unify the wood in a way that pushes the limits of its nature. The creation process began with the construction of 135 wood pieces, which were subsequently stacked onto an aluminium skeleton running through the hollow centre to ensure stability.
My goal is for the sculpture to seamlessly integrate with the modern aesthetics of Istanbul Airport both techni- cally and conceptually. I’ve opted for wood due to its ability to harmonise with tradition; moreover, its warm, organic texture pleasantly contrasts to the industrial ambiance of the space.”
Left Photo Courtesy: Murat Germen